Supplier Integration with PLM

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Supplier Integration with PLM


当今消费者对产品的创新性、复杂程度及定制级别有更高要求,这就会导致您的产品 BOM 中出现数目庞大的供应组件。 不论是高度集成的供应商,还是数以千计的非集成供应商,他们对于成功开发致胜产品以满足市场需求,所起作用虽不一却十分关键。

借助 Teamcenter® 供应商整合,您可以与有权访问 Teamcenter 环境的供应商密切协同。 受信任的供应商可以安全地参与您的 PLM 流程,并且仅使用经过您授予的数据。 借助 Teamcenter 多站点协同功能,您可以选择共享和同步供应商数据,全部操作均在安全、受控的 PLM 环境中进行。 借助 Teamcenter Visualization 功能,供应商得以参与设计评审,而无需展开协同,也无需使用相同的 CAD 工具。 通过强大的供应商整合解决方案,Teamcenter 可以帮助您和您的供应商在工程、采购和合规方面做出更明智的决定并提高生产效率。


Securely integrate suppliers into your Teamcenter environment


Working closely with your suppliers throughout the product lifecycle is key to meeting timelines and reducing costly rework. Teamcenter enables you to authorize data access to key partners and suppliers, granting them entry into your Teamcenter environment. Based on program, project, and data privileges, suppliers are granted the ability to execute tasks, view, and work with product and program data in Teamcenter. Suppliers are only able to view and work with data that you specifically grant them access to. With lifecycle visualization capabilities, suppliers can also participate in visual design review processes, all without the need for co-location.


Selectively share and synchronize supplier data into your product development process


Teamcenter multi-site collaboration software enables individual Teamcenter sites to synchronize and share selected data with other Teamcenter sites.  Each site has their own resources, models, sets of users, groups and business rules. When running in a global Teamcenter environment, the systems can be managed and maintained independently or cooperatively.

Teamcenter multi-site collaboration can be deployed in a variety of ways to support suppliers. A supplier Teamcenter site could be hooked up just like any other site with direct access into the network in a peer-to-peer configuration, or optionally, sites can be deployed with a hub and proxy configuration.