D-Cubed 2D DCM

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D-Cubed 2D DCM


D-Cubed 2D Dimensional Constraint Manager (2D DCM) is a geometric constraint solver that enables intuitive sketching techniques that can be seen in many advanced 2D and 3D design applications. Users create and modify 2D sketches more efficiently by applying dimensions and geometric constraints that accurately specify and preserve the location of geometries in a 2D sketch. Some applications infer constraints and apply them automatically “on the fly” as the user sketches their design, for example, by adding an appropriate distance dimension, or applying a tangent constraint between adjacent line and arc.

Sketching productivity is also enhanced because users can modify designs more easily by changing particular dimension values or dragging geometry. Geometric constraint solving maintains the design intent by ensuring that all the other dimensions and constraints are satisfied.

Available as a software component, software vendors can easily develop custom sketching solutions with reduced risk and time-to-market.


2D Geometric Constraint Solving


2D DCM operates on points, lines, circles, ellipses, conics, splines, and parametric curves. Dimensions and constraints include distance, angle, radius, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, concentric, symmetric, normal and equal distance/radius. Variable dimensions can be linked by equations that are solved simultaneously.

Using the position of sketch entities, 2D DCM can infer dimensions and constraints and apply them automatically to rapidly convert legacy drawings into parametric sketches, or to constrain geometry “on the fly”, while the user is sketching.


Advanced Features


Constraining free-form curves: splines can be configured using constraints including spline length, tangent direction, tangent length, second derivative, equal direction and equal curvature. A choice of solving modes is available according to preferred behavior.

Solving options and diagnostics: Preferred solving outcomes can be specified, such as minimal movement of geometry. Feedback is always provided about the status of the sketch, including under-constrained or over-constrained geometry.