Build Quality

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Build Quality


Tecnomatix® 软件的构建质量解决方案能够帮助您优化检测设备的生产量并对数据收集、转换、分析和报告的手动流程实施自动化。 整合最近的检查结果并提供一致的生产质量视图,让您的团队将时间花费在解决问题(而不是数据获取)上。


Automate enterprise-wide quality data reporting


Tecnomatix Dimensional Planning and Validation (DPV) provides automated report publishing to automatically populate preconfigured report templates with collected quality measurements. You can produce historical summary reports to consolidate extremely large amounts of measurement data, enabling decision makers to quickly review this information and use it to make metrics-based design and manufacturing decisions. With access to this information you can compare processes and/or plants, understand process stability and summarize your company’s performance over any time period.


Integrate dimensional measurement into planning


Tecnomatix Dimensional Planning and Validation software helps you plan the process to manage, update and capture as-designed measurement points and measurement plans in a manufacturing database that decision makers can access at anytime and from anywhere for selected information retrieval. The definition of your measurement process coordinated with product design, manufacturing planning and plant layout ensures that dimensional measurement is integrated into your build quality planning process well in advance of production launch and execution.


Monitor production for quality data collection


During production you can monitor and capture measurement data from any device into Teamcenter® software's open, flexible architecture. During the loading process, you can use automated tools to proactively identify quality trends. Tecnomatix Dimensional Planning and Validation software supports any and all formats and post-processing needs, allowing you to consolidate the quality data collection from all measurement devices in your plant or throughout your enterprise into a single system for better understanding of build quality.