Continuous Quality Improvement

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Continuous Quality Improvement


产品生命周期的持续改进阶段从交付产品开始。 从质量的角度来看,在用产品支持主要是在客户管理的范围内执行的。 这包含了咨询,可以在出现质量问题的时候为产品应用和客户提供有效的支持。
客户和供应商之间的信息交换是产品设计流程中的主要输入源。 随着经验的积累,当前和未来的开发可对产品和过程质量的优化和改进提供支持。
如今质量系统的使用越来越多地转向产品设计阶段。 实践经验表明,计算机辅助质量管理系统在未来将主要运用于产品规划、产品开发和产品构建领域。
QS 9000、VDA 和 ITAF 16949:2016 要求规定在产品开发阶段必须使用质量管理系统,以便对所有相关的质量数据进行完整的记录和分析。


Complaint Management


Enables acquisition of all relevant data and costs for external and internal complaints. A fully-integrated action management tool ensures priority-controlled handling by the responsible person within the correct time. Integrated comprehensive evaluation and analysis options optimally support the continuous improvement of quality and productivity.


Warranty Management


Enables standardization of warranty processes, better communication between supplier companies and OEMs and greater process transparency. Serves as an integrated platform between the supplier and OEM. Warranty Management Systems provide manufacturers and customers with relevant key figures, evaluations, trends and reports.