BOM Evolution and Change

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BOM Evolution and Change


您会如何通过管理产品定义更改来快速响应市场需求并交付成功的产品? 许多公司为管理产品更改而苦苦挣扎;究其原因,BOM 更改管理和编写活动之间互不关联,即便此二者处于同一应用程序之中,也是如此。

Teamcenter® 能够将 BOM 更改管理与产品内容编写紧密关联, 造就了强大的自动化功能。 您可以在发生更改时对其进行跟踪,进而为分析和验证提供丰富的更改上下文。 更改自动化能够在更改与产品数据之间实现可跟踪性,还可协调架构体系、配置、设计和物理物料清单之间的更改影响。 BOM 更改管理与产品内容编写集成,有助于您迅速对市场变化做出响应,在竞争中脱颖而出。


Change in context


With Teamcenter, you can automatically track changes as you make them. As you add or remove parts, update quantities and make other changes, the system automatically tracks what’s happening, updating impacted, related, and target information. This greatly streamlines your change processes and ensures accuracy throughout the process.


Evolution across the lifecycle


When you connect change management to the authoring of product content, it’s easier to introduce new product features and capabilities throughout the life of the product. You can support more advanced capabilities for concurrent, parallel and alternative changes. Changes can be evaluated and incorporated without errors. This fuels innovation, and enables you to react to market changes quickly and effectively.