D-Cubed HLM

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D-Cubed HLM


D-Cubed Hidden Line Manager (HLM) enables applications to produce high-quality engineering drawings, technical illustrations, and hidden line views from 3D models.

Available as a software component for integration by software vendors, hidden line computation benefits many different applications, including mechanical CAD, industrial styling, architecture, and technical illustration.


Hidden Line Views


HLM computes visible, hidden, occluded, and silhouette edge segments in parallel or perspective views.

It also computes outline segments that enhance the clarity of an engineering drawing or technical illustrations - global outlines emphasize the boundary of a part, whereas local outlines can be used to distinguish interior features.

Hatching and shading operations are also supported by the identification of visible and invisible regions in a face.

Hidden Line Views  
HLM - High Performance

High Performance


High performance: HLM generates accurate results, even on large assemblies and complex freeform surfaces. Performance optimizations include incremental computations in dynamic scenes and efficient memory usage with demand-driven part loading and instancing.

Wide choice of model types: HLM operates on any combination of exact, faceted, solid, surface, wireframe, manifold, and non-manifold geometry formats. Flexible integration architecture supports multiple model formats in the same application. Tolerant to models containing errors, such as gaps between adjacent faces.