航空航天及国防企业正在以卓越性能为目标开发前沿的平台和系统。 政府针对全新的飞机和技术正大力推进基础设施和安全系统转型。 创新是其推动力,而在整个航空航天及国防产品生命周期和价值链中实施同步的协同式项目管理则可以促进创新。
电子和半导体企业需要基于行业典范做法的预配置软件解决方案来实现新产品开发和推广 (NPDI) 的卓越表现。 通过缩短创新和开发周期,实现整个供应链的协作,创建闭环、智能和集成的制造环境
重型装备与工业机械已经具备了前所未有的复杂性。 在竞争日益激烈的市场当中,各公司不但要确保不断创新,还要应对复杂性挑战。 Siemens PLM Software 能够助您打造出适当的产品,还能让产品满足需求。
- NX
- Polarion
- Teamcenter
- Simcenter
- Manufacturing Operations Center
- Tecnomatix
- MindSphere
- PLM Components
Siemens 制造运营管理 (MOM) 软件是一套完整的解决方案,用于实施有助于制造运营实现全面数字化的战略。
Manufacturing Operation Center
MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects your products, plants, systems, and machines, enabling you to harness the wealth of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) with advanced analytics.
PLM Components
PLM Components are 3D software development toolkits that increase the value of CAD, CAM, CAE and related PLM applications by reducing the time, cost and risk of delivering 3D software innovation to your customers.
- Mechanical Design
- Electrical & Electronics
- Software Engineering
- Simulation & Test
- Manufacturing Planning
- Factory Automation
- Manufacturing Operations Center
- Performance
Siemens NX 软件是一款既灵活又功能强大的集成式解决方案,有助于您更快更高效地提供更优质的产品。 NX 提供了下一代的设计、仿真和制造解决方案,支持公司实现数字孪生的价值。
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Multi-Discipline Data Management for Electronics
Today's electronic devices are a synthesis of multiple designs—mechanical, electrical, electronics, embedded software and application software. In addition, because of rapid development, many hardware features remain unexplored and undermanaged resulting in sub-optimal integration between hardware and software. The disadvantages of operating in different single-discipline platforms and the increasing role of global suppliers in early stages of design are driving engineering organizations to invest in multi-domain integration strategies to ensure the system works flawlessly. Siemens PLM Software offers a multi-disciplinary approach to engineering lifecycle management that leverages integrated requirements management, secure supplier collaboration, and a single harmonized design, verification and testing environment across multiple engineering platforms. It allows you to find issues as early as possible in the design lifecycle of the system while providing industry-leading performance and platform scalability. |
新产品的上市时间日益缩短。电子产品客户对性能、质量和可靠性的要求极为严苛,且所有新产品均须通过全面的质量检查,以避免召回事件的发生。工程团队必须解决分散式设计合作伙伴供应链中的重大设计挑战,而机电一体化设计团队也面临着巨大压力,需要更快地推出高质量产品来满足这些需求。于是,数字创新平台成为化解这一难题的利器。 我们拥有与众不同的机电一体化设计经验,能够提供无与伦比的功能,并辅以由 Siemens 服务站的主题专家提供的全方位支持。 |
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IoT & Lifecycle Analytics for Electronics & Semiconductors
The emergence of new competitors offering functionality-rich products at low cost, combined with increasing demand for innovation and differentiation, drives an unprecedented high rate of product introduction in the electronics and semiconductor market. The change in the customer usage model to relying on a platform that requires constant software updates adds to the challenge of keeping a competitive advantage through improved product availability and performance. To succeed in this highly competitive environment and overcome the increasing risk of having defective electronic devices reach customers – which in turn increases warranty, repair and recall costs – manufacturers need to take advantage of the growing availability of device connectivity, and to apply data analytics into the overall product and application design and development process. Our solutions leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to combine performance and usage information from the electronic assets in the field, the “physical twin,” with engineering insight contained within the PLM system, the “digital twin,” to provide high-tech electronic products designers with actionable data they need to achieve a competitive advantage. |
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