航空航天及国防企业正在以卓越性能为目标开发前沿的平台和系统。 政府针对全新的飞机和技术正大力推进基础设施和安全系统转型。 创新是其推动力,而在整个航空航天及国防产品生命周期和价值链中实施同步的协同式项目管理则可以促进创新。
电子和半导体企业需要基于行业典范做法的预配置软件解决方案来实现新产品开发和推广 (NPDI) 的卓越表现。 通过缩短创新和开发周期,实现整个供应链的协作,创建闭环、智能和集成的制造环境
重型装备与工业机械已经具备了前所未有的复杂性。 在竞争日益激烈的市场当中,各公司不但要确保不断创新,还要应对复杂性挑战。 Siemens PLM Software 能够助您打造出适当的产品,还能让产品满足需求。
- NX
- Polarion
- Teamcenter
- Simcenter
- Manufacturing Operations Center
- Tecnomatix
- MindSphere
- PLM Components
Teamcenter® 软件是一套现代化、自适应的产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 系统,该系统能够以数字化主线关联功能孤岛之间的人员和流程,进而实现创新。 Teamcenter 产品组合具备无可匹敌的深度与广度,使您能够在开发高度成功的产品过程中攻克更多艰难挑战。
Simcenter™ 软件的独特之处在于它将系统仿真、3D CAE 和测试集于一身,可帮助您在早期和整个产品生命周期内预测所有关键属性的性能。Simcenter 将基于物理场的仿真与通过数据分析得出的洞察相结合,帮助您优化设计并且更快更可靠地交付创新
Siemens 制造运营管理 (MOM) 软件是一套完整的解决方案,用于实施有助于制造运营实现全面数字化的战略。 我们的产品组合提供了端到端的生产可见性,这使得决策者们可以轻松找出产品设计和相关制造流程中需要加以改进的部分,并制定必要的操作调整以使生产更加流畅和高效。
Manufacturing Operation Center
Tecnomatix 是一套全面的数字化制造解决方案组合,能够帮助您对制造,以及将创新构思和原材料转化为实际产品的流程进行数字化改造。 借助 Tecnomatix 软件,您能够在产品工程、制造工程、生产与服务运营之间实现同步,从而最大限度地提高总体生产效率,并实现创新。
MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects your products, plants, systems, and machines, enabling you to harness the wealth of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) with advanced analytics.
PLM Components
PLM Components are 3D software development toolkits that increase the value of CAD, CAM, CAE and related PLM applications by reducing the time, cost and risk of delivering 3D software innovation to your customers.
JT2Go is the industry leading no charge 3D JT viewing tool.JT2Go has been unanimously embraced by industry leaders as the premier free viewing tool for JT data. By providing a comprehensive Desktop application and mobile platform solutions on iOS and Android, Siemens has made viewing of JT data available for everyone in nearly any situation.
JT Open Program
The JT Open Program is a unique global alliance of Corporations and their Software Suppliers who have come together, along with Academia, to form a community with the guiding principle of promoting the use and adoption of 3D JT data. Join the JT Open program through one of the following membership types; Corporate, Vendor, Academic or Advocate. Fee-based memberships include access to the JT Open Toolkit and related utilities
JT Open Toolkit
The JT Open Toolkit is a C++ application programming interface (API). Users of the JT Open Toolkit have read/write access to the rich content in JT data. The JT Open Toolkit reads and writes ISO compliant JT files and all production versions of JT currently supported by Siemens PLM products.
Siemens PLM XML Schema and Software Development Kit (SDK) provides an extensive XML definition for PLM content. Users of Siemens core products that have PLM XML import/export features can use the PLM XML SDK and PLM XML Schema to work with compliant XML definitions